Kitaab Sharh us-Sunnah
by Al-Barbahaaree
Trans. Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank

111: Whoever rejects part of the Sunnah has rejected all of the Sunnah

Everything that I have described to you in this book is from Allah, the Most High, from the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam), from his Companions, from the Tabi’een and from the third generation to the fourth. So fear Allah, O servant of Allah! Affirm, submit, surrender to and be pleased with what is in this book. Do not hide this book from any one of the people of the Qiblah. Perhaps, through it, Allah will bring a confused person out of his confusion, or an innovator out of his innovation, or a misguided one out of his misguidance and he may be saved through it. So fear Allah and take to the affair as it originally was. That is what I have described to you in this book. May Allah have mercy upon a person, and his parents, who reads this book, circulates it, acts upon it, calls to it and uses it as a proof for it is the religion of Allah [1] and Allah’sMessenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam). Whoever allows something contrary to this book, then he is not practising Allah’s religion and has refused all of it, just as if a servant believed all that Allah, the Blessed and Most High, says, except that he doubted about a single letter, then he has rejected everything that Allah said and he is an unbeliever, and just as the testification that ‘none has the right to be worshipped except Allah’ is not accepted from a person unless his intention is pure and sincere and he has full certainty, likewise Allah will not accept anything from the Sunnah from anyone who abandons a part of it. Whoever contradicts and rejects anything from the Sunnah has rejected all of the Sunnah. Accept and avoid contending and disputing; it is not from Allah’s religion at all. Your time, in particular, is a time of evil, so beware of Allah.


[1] The Religion of Allah, as is well known, is the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu alihi wa sallam) as understood by the Pious Predecessors. As for the speech of people, everyone is correct in some things and incorrect in others, except for the Prophet (sallallaahu alihi wa sallam).

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