Kitaab Sharh us-Sunnah
by Al-Barbahaaree
Trans. Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank

122: Do not pray behind a Jahmee

The five daily prayers must be prayed behind anyone except a Jahmee, since he denies (all of the attributes of Allah). If you have prayed behind him, repeat your prayer. On the day of Jumu’ah, if your Imaam is a Jahmee and he is a ruler, pray behind him, (but) repeat your prayer [1]. If your Imaam, whether a ruler or not, is a person of the Sunnah, pray behind him and do not repeat your prayer.


[1] This is reported by ‘Abdullah ibn Ahmad as the saying of his father, Imaam Ahmad, in as-Sunnah (nos.4-5).

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