Kitaab Sharh us-Sunnah
by Al-Barbahaaree
Trans. Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank

128: Ordering good and forbidding evil are not to be done with the sword

Ordering good and forbidding evil are to be done with the hand [1], the tongue and the heart, not with the sword [2].


[1] The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “He amongst you who sees an evil, let him change it with his hand. If he is unable, then with his tongue and if he is unable, then with his heart…and that is the weakest of Faith.” Reported by Ahmad, Muslim (Eng. trans. 1/33/no.77), Abu Daawood, at-Tirmidhee and Ibn Maajah.

[2] Ibn Rajab says in Jaami’ ul-‘Uloom wal-Hikam (p304), “Changing with the hand does not mean fighting. This is also stated by Ahmad in the narration of Saalih. He said, ‘Changing with the hand does not mean with the sword and the use of weapons.’ ” So the use of the sword is not for the public, rather it is for the ruler. This saying of Imaam Ahmad is also reported by Ibn Muflih in al-Aadaabush-Shariiyyah (1/163).

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