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Feature Subjects @ Spubs

It's Ramadaan Once Again!!
Ramadaan has arrived once more, another blessing for those who will have the opportunity to witness it. Knowledge and guidelines to help you act in accordance with the Sunnah and to make the most of what could be your last Ramadaan?!
Seeking and Acting Upon Knowledge
Seeking knowledge is the first priority of every Muslim and hence a Muslim must be equipped with the right ways and means to both acquire and act upon knowledge.
The Beginning of the End of the Surooriyyah, Khawarij of the Era
Time is coming to a close for the Surooriyyah, who for over a decade have played havoc with the minds of unsuspecting and ignorant Muslims and have tried their utmost to dismantle Salafiyyah and to replace it with innovated principles.
The Positions of Taqlid and Ijtihad in the View of the Salaf
Learn about the position of the Salaf on the issues of Taqlid and Ijtihad. What is obligatory upon whom and to what degree and extent?
Ruling by Other Than What Allaah Has Revealed and Takfir
Learn about the understanding of the Salaf, past and present, in this somewhat controversial subject - the controversy due partly to the handiwork of the political activists who lack depth of knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

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