Kitaab Sharh us-Sunnah
by Al-Barbahaaree
Trans. Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank

121: Earning one’s own living, rather than being dependent upon the people

Means of earning that are clear to you to be correct are unrestricted, except for that which is found to be corrupt. If it is corrupt, he takes from it what is sufficient to support himself and (he) does not say, “I will abandon earning and take what people will give me.” This was not done by the Companions, or by the scholars up to this time of ours. ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (radiallaahu anhu) said, “Earning of which part is impure is better than having need of the people” [1].


Reported by Waakee’ ibn al-Jarrah, as occurs in Kanzul-‘Ummaal (4/122) and by Ibn al-Jawzee in Manaaqib ‘Umar (p194).

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