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All praise is due to Allaah, we praise Him, seek His aid and His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allaah from the evils of our souls and the evils of our actions. Whomsoever Allaah guides there is none to misguide and whomsoever Allaah misguides there is none to guide. And I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah alone, without any partners. And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.

To proceed:

This [issue] is "of the greatest of matters by which the rulers of this time have been put to trial. So it is necessary for a person not to be hasty in making a judgement against them, [one] that they do not really deserve, unless and until the truth has become clear to them, since this affair is very dangerous" [Majmu' Fatawa Fadilat ush-Shaikh Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaimin (6/162)] and its results are bitter [indeed]

Amongst the foundational principles acknowledged and considered by the people of knowledge in the issues pertaining to Eemaan is that "kufr (disbelief) is of two types:

- the disbelief in action
- the disbelief of denial, rejection (juhood) and wilful resistance ('inaad)

And this latter type - the kufr of juhood - is that a person disbelieves on account of something about which it is known that the Messenger (sas) brought it from Allaah - due to [his] rejection and wilful resistance to it - [such as] the Names of the Lord, His Attributes and His Actions, or His rulings, the basis of which is His Tawheed and worshipping Him without associating any partners to Him." [Usul wa Dawabit fit-Takfir p.36 of Shaikh Abdul-Latif Ibn Abdur-Rahman bin Hasan Aal-ash-Shaikh]

And for the purpose of making the truth clear in this great and lofty matter, it is absolutely necessary to quote the sayings of the leading scholars of knowledge who are trustworthy and just, for their words - may Allaah have mercy upon - constitute the clear and decisive word in front of which every other saying is cut off and every excitation that is full of empty sentiments and emotions is ended.

This is because the opposers - due to a habit of theirs - fold up these quotations [in their hands] and hide them from their followers! And when they show them, then they do so with other than their proper meanings, quoting them whilst taking them away from their proper import…

From the introduction to the forthcoming
SP publication, "The Fitnah of Takfir", a compilation
of the statements of Imaam al-Albani, Imaam Ibn Baz and
Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen on this great topic.  

The Khawarij are the Murji'ah A look at the statement of Imaam Ahmad and a discussion of the great calamities brought by the Khawarij of the current times. Looks at the takfir performed by Awdah, Hawali and al-Qarni on account of major sins.
Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan Explains his Words in Kitaab ut-Tawheed on Ruling by Other Than What Allaah Has Revealed The Shaikh clarifies the meaning and intent of his words on the topic of ruling by other than the Sharee'ah in his book 'Kitaab ut-Tawheed'.
A Treatise on Ruling by Other than What Allaah has Revealed An excellent introduction to this topic. The Shaikh has outlined the Ijmaa of the Salaf, past and present on this issue. This article also contains some useful fatawa from various scholars to strengthen the contents of the lecture.
The Khawarij Perform Takfir on Account of Major Sins A look at the proponents of the Khariji methodology in the current times, and their style and methodology in imputing disbelief to this Ummah.
Shaikh Ibn `Uthaymeen on al-Hukmu Bi-Ghayri Maa Anzallallaah Shaikh Ibn `Uthaymeen expounds his viewpoint which is the same as that of the remainder of the Salaf, past and present.
Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen on Ibn Baz and Albani's Position on Ruling by Other Than What Allaah has Revealed Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen further confirms the stances of the two great Imaams of this century and also refutes some of the misconceptions of Ahl ul-Bidah.
Imam Ibn Baz on the One Who Uses the Fatwa of Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim to Assert Generalised Takfir Transcript of a meeting between Imaam Ibn Baz and some questioners in which the habit of Ahl ul-Bid`ah of using the ambiguous fatawa of the Ulama is discussed.
Imaam al-Albani and His Argument Against Ahl ut-Takfir Imaam al-Albani expounds upon his mode of argumentation against the various groups of takfir.
Ibn al-Qayyim on the Types of Kufr and Ruling by Other than What Allaah has Revealed Ibn al-Qayyim discusses the various types of kufr, takes a look at the different viewpoints concerning the aayah of rulership (5:44) and gives his analysis of them.
Concerning Those Who Do Not Rule by what Allaah SWT has Revealed Tafsir of the verse in Surah al-Ma'idah. An excellent discussion by Shaikh Nasir ud-Din al-Albani. Contains many aathaar of the Salaf.
Sayings of the Ulamaa' Regarding Ruling by Other than What Allaah has Revealed and the Two Types of Kufr A collection of sayings from the Salaf, past and present on the issue of ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed and how it can be both major and minor Kufr depending on the state and condition of the individual involved.

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