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The position of the Salafis on the issues of Taqlid and Ijtihad have been somewhat misunderstand by many Muslims today, partly due to the mass propaganda made by the Ahl ul-Bid'ah against them.

The Salaf maintain that people of are of three types:

  1. The Mujtahid
  2. The Muttabi'
  3. The Muqallid

As for the first, this is the one capable of Ijtihad, since he is equipped with knowledge of Arabic, the various sciences of the quran, the principles of fiqh and the other necessary sciences. Hence for such a one it is not permissible to perform taqlid. The only exceptions being where he is incapable of researching in a particular issue or issues due to difficult circumstances, scarcity of time etc. In these issues he may blindly follow one who is superior to him.

As for the third, then they are generally ignorant and are not capable at all of performing ijtihad, or of understanding proofs or deriving proofs. Hence, for them they must perform taqlid of anyone whom they consider is fit enough to be followed. However, this blind-following is not absolute and itself has certain conditions.

As for the second category, then they are to a degree able to evaluate viewpoints and are able to determine which of them are stronger in light of the evidences. Hence, in such cases they are required to follow what is most correct. However, they may not have this ability in every issue and hence may still be required to perform taqlid in some issues. And the people in this category vary, some of them are more knowledgeable - and hence more capable - and others are less knowledgeable - and hence less capable. So taqlid for this category is not absolute, rather it is merely permissible, but what is obligatory upon them is to follow what their Lord has revealed to the best of their ability.

This is the view of the Salafis, one that is practical, in conformity with the true reality and in perfect agreement with the requirements of the Book and the Sunnah.

As for the opposers, then in their estimation, people are ONLY of two types. So in their view, there is only the scholars or the ignorant people and no one that falls in between them. It is based upon this false perception that they argue the case for blindly-following - in every single matter - what is found in a particular madhhab. And this is in opposition to the requirements of the Book and the Sunnah and constitutes making obligatory, that which Allaah did not make obligatory.

In the materials that are presented below this matter is made clear, inshaa'allaah.  

Guidelines Concerning Taqlid and Madhhabs Excellent guidelines on the issue of taqlid and following of madhhabs
Guidelines for Following Madhhabs The Shaiks give brief and general guidelines to students of knowledge about following madhhabs (schools of thought) in issues of fiqh.
The Prohibited and Permissible Forms of Taqlid Statements from the Ulamaa of the Salaf on the permissible and impermissible forms of blind-following (taqlid)
When Is Ijtihad or Taqlid Binding? The Noble Shaikh discusses what is obligatory upon the different types of people with different capabilities with respect to Ijtihad and Taqlid.
Fataawaa of the Major Committee of Scholars on Taqlid and Madhhabs These fataawaa summarise the position of the Salaf on the issues of taqlid and ijtihad.
The Basis of Islaam is to Act upon the Book and the Sunnah Islaam does not require that a Muslim blindly follow in all his affairs, but his primary task is to seek to act according to the Book and Sunnah.
The Sayings of the Four Imams on Taqlid A compilation of the saying of the Four Imams on following their views and opinions without evidence.
On Ijtihad and Taqlid A nice primer on the meanings of Ijtihad and Taqlid, the types and places of taqlid and the ruling of a muqallid's fatwa.

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