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All praise is due to Allaah, we praise Him, seek His aid and His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allaah from the evils of our souls and the evils of our actions. Whomsoever Allaah guides there is none to misguide and whomsoever Allaah misguides there is none to guide. And I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah alone, without any partners. And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.

Time is slowly running out for the Surooriyyah. It is only a short while before those whom they have deceived and hoodwinked over the past decade with their fantastic conspiracy theories and their belief in a great plot that is aimed at hijacking Salafiyyah is uncovered.

They have strived hard to compromise the essential principles that distinguish the Salaf from all the innovated sects. So they tried to destroy the principles of al-Jarh wat-Ta'dil, introducing the principle of muwaazanah and as a result tried to accommodate all the groups and parties which have great innovations. They tried to change the ways and means of da'wah - introducing political parties, rallies, demonstrations, voting and other reprehensible affairs into the religion of Islaam - and at the same time proclaimed that judgement belongs to Allaah alone?!!! They tried to defend to the utmost, the most obvious, manifest and great errors of their mentors and propounders - those which reached the level of innovation and included statements of kufr - whilst at the same time finding fault with those who exposed them, accusing them of hypocrisy, being spies and paid workers and other reprehensible characteristics, yet being incapable of bringing evidence of their opposition to the Salafi manhaj. Then they tried to redefine the methodology of the Prophets in calling to Allaah, and innovated into the matter of Tawheed.

But those for whom Allaah granted success, never once moved from their knowledge-based stances, despite the mass propaganda against them at the hands of these newly-arisen, foolish minded ones. So they were called stooges, spies, workers, defenders of the thrones of sin and debauchery, murji'ah, khawarij, qadariyyah - but never once did they themselves present knowledge-based rebuttals of the essential principles of the Salafi Dawah.

Imaam al-Albani said, "They have opposed the Salaf in much of the issues of manhaj, and it is befitting that I label them the Khawarij of the era. And this resembles their emergence at the current time – in which we read their statements – because they, in reality, their words take the direction and objective of that of the Khawarij in performing takfir of the one who commits major sins". [Cassette: Surooriyyah are the Khawarij of the Era, 17th Dhul-Hijjah, 1417H]

Then the specific principles that they have tried to destroy - and they will never be successful in this regard - are the following:

  • The obligation of refuting Ahl ul-Bid'ah, to expose their errors and mistakes, and the necessity of speaking about individuals, groups and parties in order to protect the great deen of Islam.

  • The absence of any co-operation with the groups of Bid'ah. And the falsehood of the principle "Lets forgive each other in that which we differ and come together upon that in which we agree".

  • That the methodology of dawah is not subject to Ijtihaad, rather, it is propounded in the Noble Qur'an and the Sunnah - and it is not for anyone to alter this Divine Methodology.

  • Taking great caution in performing takfir of an individual specifically, and whole societies and nations generally!! Regardless of whether it is husband, wife, judge, or ruler. In opposition to them who perform takfir on account of sins and declare the whole Ummah to be apostate!

  • Understanding the verse "And whosoever does not judge by what Allaah has revealed then they are the disbelievers" (5:44) in the well-known manner reported from the Salaf of the earlier times and those of our own times.

  • Not involving the common-folk, those who are incapable, with current affairs, news, magazines and the reporting of the disbelievers - and as a result cause excitation and bewilderment amongst them. Rather, nurturing them upon Tawheed, good morals and righteous conduct, whilst encouraging them to acquire the Sharee'ah knowledge. And making this knowledge (of current affairs) the responsibility only of those deeply rooted in the Sharee'ah, wisdom and experience, not the pretenders and self-appointed ones!!


Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan Explains his Words in Kitaab ut-Tawheed on Ruling by Other Than What Allaah Has Revealed The Shaikh clarifies the meaning and intent of his words on the topic of ruling by other than the Sharee'ah in his book 'Kitaab ut-Tawheed'.
On Advising Rulers and States Concerning Their Shortcomings Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan exposing the hatred of the people of hypocrisy and evil and explaining the correct mode of reformative action.
Imaam al-Albani on Safar al-Hawali and Salman al-Awdah and the Book 'Madarik un-Nadhr' Imam al-Albani explains the deviation in manhaj of some of today's populist reformers. Also his commendation of the book which exposes in detail, the deviation of the aforementioned individuals.
The Qutubi, Sururi Manhaj in Causing Dissension and Separation Amongst the Senior Scholars A look at the political machinations of the activists in their bid to cover up their own blunders and to cause dissension amongst the scholars and their trust to be lost..
The Issues Pertaining to Imaan and Refutation of the Murji’ah A look at the issues related to the correct definition and understanding of Imaan and a refutation of the false beliefs of the Murjii'ah
How to Lie and Fabricate For the Sake of Expediency In The Da'wah - Salman al-Awdah Illustrates A look at the art of deception and lying used by the Qutubi Intelligentsia, those born of the Awakening of Qutubism, in order to gain expediency in the arena of da'wah.

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