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Ibn Hazm said: "If knowledge and the action of devoting oneself to it had no purpose except to free the man who seeks it from the exhausting anxieties and many worries which afflict the mind, that alone would certainly be enough to drive us to seek knowledge. But what should we say of the other bene-fits too numerous to list, the least of which are the above-mentioned, and all of which accrue to the knowledgeable man. In search of benefits as small as these the petty kings have worn themselves out in seeking distraction from their anxieties in games of chess, dicing, wine, song, hunting expe-ditions and other pastimes which bring nothing but harm in this world and the next and absolutely no benefit." [Akhlaq was-Siyar]  

Guidelines For Acquiring Knowledge A brief look at six essential points that need to be understood and implemented when acquiring the knowledge.
Aathaar of the Salaf on Knowledge A collection of beatiful and wise sayings related to the acquisition of knowledge and the great importance of acting upon it.
Ibn Hazm on Knowledge Ibn Hazm shares his profound observations and insights into the realm of knowledge. Contains some excellent principles and guidelines.
Taqwaa (Piety) : The Key to Learning An illustration of the fact that taqaa and abandonment of sins aids the Muslim in acquiring, retaining and being able to act upon knowledge.
Imaam ash-Shafi'ee on Legal Knowledge Imaam ash-Shafi'ee explains the obligatory and non-obligatory types of knowledge as well as what is binding upon whom.
The Intention Behind Seeking Knowledge A nice reminder about the motives behind the pursuit of knowledge and that they ought to be for the sake of Allaah alone.
Seeking Knowledge and One's Intentions An exhortation to seek knowledge, but with caution. One ought to acquire knowledge in stages and be prepared to act upon whatever he as acquired before moving on to more knowledge. A small but very efficient reminder.

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